I thought that I would start some reveiws for Pattern Review so that I could enter some items into the Holiday Sewing contest. Of course I have done a few reviews before (although I am not so great at it) but was slightly confused with the picture thing among other things.
I noticed today on my review page the little part that has a number and a C by it. As I read the page I realized that that meant the number of comments on my review. I was so astounded and excited that people actually read my reviews and found them helpful. Now some of those reviews were written in April so as you can see I am really taking a long time to understand all the ins and outs of Pattern Review. Quite a few of the reviews said that my pictures would not come up any bigger than thumnail. I would absolutely hate to come across a review, be very interested to see the garment review and then not be able to see anything other than a small thumbnail. If any of you have read my reviews and this has happened to you I am soooooo sorry. I guess I need a bit of help. What is the best way to put pictures on my reviews? Do I need to use another site? Should I just link to my blog? I know that many of you are loyal PR's and throughly understand how to do this so I would really appreciate your help.
Thank you so very much!!!
Until next time...
This and that
2 days ago
I host my own pictures at a third party webhosting company so I just link to the pictures. I see a lot of people using Photobucket and Picasa though and I think those are free.
ReplyDeleteAnd, you can turn on notifications so you know when people leave a comment.
ReplyDeleteI use Photobucket and really like it. For the thumbnail, however, you can upload that right from your computer's drive.
Like Dawn said, be sure to turn on the Notifications.
If you have specific questions, you'll be sure to get more specific answers either on your blog or over at Patternreview.
Oh...I forgot to answer this--yes, I like links to blogs. And actually, I really like when people have the reviews double posted--both in their blog and at Patternreview. I think I'll start to do that too. Reason being, I haven't had much time to check out the daily reviews and rely so much on the info in people's blogs that I subscribe to. It seems like every day there are an incredible number of daily reviews at PR that I've just stopped checking out the daily reviews on a regular basis. I've really been giving preferential treatment to blogs as of late.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments. I think that I got it fixed. When you click on the thumbnail a larger picture pops up. Thanks for your suggestions.
ReplyDeleteAs for the notifications by email when I tried to do this it was not one of the options. It might not be there because I am not an actual member. I really need to get a membership.
In the future I will link to my blog also. Sometimes I put more pictures on my blog.